Business Design Course

Are you looking for a way, which helps you turning your business ideas into first revenue streams? Do you want to know, which of your ideas should be the ones you invest in before you waste money? The Methodology and Framework of Business Design helps you to think business not product and puts an emphasis on doing instead of endless discussions. So do not loose time and book your slot!
Course Details
Business Design Course DPA-BD-2500
Start: tbd 2025
TĂĽbingen, Germany
End of the registration period
Duration and total hours of training
This course has a total training time of approx. 32 hours, excluding breaks and is spread into 5 days 2 half, 3 full days).
The course will start on a Monday at 2 p.m. and will finish on Friday around lunch time
Getting to the course location is the responsibility of the participants, but we are happy to support you.
Course price
Per participant: Euro 4.900 incl. food and drinks during course days
Dinner on 2 days included
Accommodation not included
DIPA members receive a 20% discount
Trainer Team
Peter Schöffler Peter Schöffler, GMG GmbH & Co. KG
Steffen-Orth_240123 Steffen Orth, DIPA Academy advisor and trainer
For bookings and further information please send a mail


The Business Design Course is a 4-day extensive course spread across 5 days which
delivers about 32 hours of education on Business Design. Never heard of it? In a few
words Business design combines different frameworks, methods and tools to one
efficient Innovation process which is leading a fixed group of people with a fixed
timeline to get from an idea to a first revenue stream. The framework is public domain
and available for everyone. This course will teach you how to use the framework
and its many tools to get results. In order to do this properly you are going to run
through all the phases of the framework and apply it yourself together with other
motivated participants. This is hard work, but also a lot of fun as it shows you how fast
relevant information can be collected and how to validate business ideas before wasting
money. The trainers will have a real-life case ready, which you are going to work on.
This course is offered by DIPA Academy, GMG GmbH & Co. KG and Orange Hills GmbH.

What is the Target Audience?

Business Design is a discipline relevant for any company in todayĘĽs world of volatility,
uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. As the printing industry or companies
incorporating printing in its value chain are facing multiple challenges (i.e. lack of
qualified personnel, margin erosion, more demanding legislations, competitive business
environment including digital offerings and more) the DIPA Academy finds it essential
to make a further education offering targeting employees working in a business
development role, in a leadership or management position, in a product management,
in a corporate development role or in any other role which is playing in the field
of innovation. Establishing a structured approach to innovation helps taking better
decisions, creates results faster, avoids doing the wrong things and motivates your
employees to pull together and drive the creation of the future rather than being driven
by the competition.

Course content

Introduction to Business Design framework and its guiding principles
Business Design process
Methods & tools
Hands-on business modelling
Discovering markets & customer needs
Prepare prototypes to validate with customers
Hands-on customer interviews
Validate business ideas
Lean offering generation
Fact-based decision making
Ways to implement an innovation framework into your organization

Participants benefits

Launch new products or offerings successful
Make fact-based and conscious decisions on investments
Reduce flop-costs on ideas which are not accepted by the market
Learn framework, methods and tools for hands-on use in a compact course with physical presence
Talk to the founder of the business design framework & methodology
Learn from experts applying the Business Design framework in their daily work already and receive useful inputs for proper implementation
Excellent networking opportunities in the field of innovation with a strong connection to the printing industry
Learning experience in small groups as places are limited
A participation certificate will be provided

Employer benefits

Obtained knowledge can be applied immediately leading to better more fact-based decisions
Excellent overview of Orange Hills Business Design framework including all the required steps for an adequate application of the tools (templates, etc.)
Business Design Starter Kit Box with all Tools to start right away
Access to DIPA and DIPA Academy network covering the whole value chain of digital and analog surface decoration
Employees will learn from experts applying the Business Design framework in their daily work already